Thursday, June 4, 2009

Day 5 in Taiwan: Team-building activities, Kuanshan Par

Dr.Peng called this day a “Team-building activities” -how to work as a team and survive the rapids. It turned out to be the worst day of my life… Wait; don’t think that it has anything to do with falling into the water, paddling, and having tons of fun. It was fun until half of the group ended up with pretty bad sunburns! As it turned out later, mine was THE WORST. It’s called second degree sunburn which causes blistering… So now imagine a sunburn above your knees…Yep, I could barely walk next day…So I’m gonna have to skip Day 6 because while everyone went to the tribe, I had to stay on the bus because whenever I tried to walk, I was starting to pass out because of the pain. Not fun. I wish I knew we were going to ride for 3 hours. I though it was supposed to be 30 minutes and no one warned us about what kind of clothes we were supposed to wear. Everything had to be long…The sunscreen didn’t help much…and I didn’t even put it on my arms or legs because I didn’t expect the ride to be THAT LONG. However, I’ve learned a lot from this painful experience.

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